Saturday, April 30, 2016


There is a technique for taking care of all the brush that accumulates over the winter. We gather it all into a big pile. The crawler bucket is convenient for transporting it and then pressing down on it to compact the pile.

 After lifting the pile to put all of this year's cardboard underneath, it gets soaked with accelerant and lit.
 Then the pile is lowered on top of the burning cardboard. The compacted twigs and branches provide enough gaps for the air to flow allowing oxygen to fuel the fire.
 The blaze grows quickly so it is supervised. The local call center was informed of the burn so that if someone called them they would know not to automatically send the fire department! They'll be informed when we are done also.

We get quite a blaze. It is good that we choose a morning after a couple of days of rain. The air is still and there is dew on the ground.
To ensure a complete burn we have to push the brush back into a pile several times. There is a way to do this

I guess it's time to start the lawn work!!

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