Friday, May 8, 2020


Dear God, I'm angry!

Right now, it seems as if everyone is angry. And why not, the whole world is in upheaval.

I learned a long time ago that anger is really fear and frustration over things we cannot change. Generally, I manage to overcome my anger by asking myself what I'm afraid of. Let's see, that would be; a pandemic of a highly contagious unknown virus, an economy that is barely holding on leaving many wondering where their next meal is coming from, a broken food supply system, an America that has become the Divided States over the past decade plus, and a future that nobody knows what it will look like. What do I have no control over; the virus, the economy, the food chain, American politics, the future.

The only thing I have control over is myself. Not other people, not Mother Nature, only me. So yes, I'm angry. I'm afraid and I'm frustrated and I'm praying for miracles. A miracle to heal our planet. A miracle to heal our nation. A miracle to heal our spirits.