Saturday, June 18, 2016


Have you ever looked around and just decided that you have to do something about this? I'm sure you have. My ceiling needed work!


Step one: paint the rails. Tools: ladder, paint, painters tape, heavy foam paint wedge, an old plastic coffee cup (to put paint in).
Step two: paint again because one coat of paint on dirty old metal does not look good. Lesson learned, new tool applied...perseverance.

Step three: purchase new tiles. I bought 4 packs of ten tiles. Don't laugh, it took 32 tiles to complete when you include all the partials, even when you're careful to use the leftovers for the smaller ones.

Step four: begin removing tiles, one or two at a time and replace them with new ones. Tools used: ladder, old sheets to protect furniture from falling debris, broom and dustpan. And when you discover that the rails are hung by wires which makes maneuvering the tiles nearly impossible....perseverance.
Step five: move or remove lighting fixtures. Have someone available who understands electricity and wiring. Tools used: wood, electrical tape, new wires, wire caps, screwdriver, drill, ladder, electrical box with cover. When you find out that removing a light fixture requires pulling new wiring to the outlet upstairs...perseverance.

Step six: remove and replace partial tiles a few at a time. Remember that this is a very old house. It has settled, so tiles that are next to each other are not necessarily the same size and shape.
Tools used: ladder, measuring tape, utility knife and of course a camera to capture what was hidden behind the paneling and above the tiles along the wall...the original wallpaper! And when you find that you need to trim a cut by just a hair to fit....perseverance.

Step seven: step back and appreciate what you've accomplished (thanks is no small part to your electrician and skillful helper). Now you know that perseverance pays off!
I still have eight tiles left (my old man that owns this house) reminds me....the bathroom only needs six!! Persevere, persevere!
Anyhow, that is why I haven't posted in awhile. We'll see what I get into next!

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