Thursday, June 30, 2016


My weekend at Jazzberry Farm begins with a view of the land.
Then it's time to set up camp.
My location offers sun and shade and plenty of seclusion while still being close to the activity.
Next, well at least an attempt to be helpful.

Tarp's up and the stage is ready.

Friday is time for friends and family.
Time to test the stage, open mike style.
Who would have guessed that the young'n would choose to sing to Patsy Cline!
After the sun dropped some we had a bonfire and more visiting. It got very dark and there were millions of stars visible, unfortunately that was not the case with my campsite. It's a good thing I had my trusty old mutt to guide me back. She learned all of the trails rather quickly.
Saturday was a busy day. We had more music from various talents.
We also had a puppy picnic.
This husky pup, a great pyranese mix, three dachshunds, and my girl, Mitzi attended.
My border collie enjoyed all but one.....a dachshund named Minnie.
Go figure!
 But then there was more music. Gypsy Rose performed for us.

Then Hypnotic Clambake members played. When they found the echo across the valley, the brassman played the national anthem, two notes at a time to hit the echo. I guarantee it was heard for miles but who could complain, it was very patriotic after all.
Our first performer, Emma joined the Clambake guys, extending the entertainment.
We had a great time!
Of course, Sunday was the day to pack up and head home after some nice socializing.
I look forward to coming back next year.

Monday, June 27, 2016


I have always sought solutions in nature believing that all that we need has been provided for us. When I feel an infection is coming on I take Echinacea. For kidney issues, saffron. Tight muscles, valerian and St. John's Wert. So when the bees and wasps took over my hummingbird feeders, I looked to nature for a solution.
Tucked among my flowers, I added Pitcher Plants. These bog plants supplement their diet with flying insects. They are attracted to them and then slip inside their tubular stems where they are digested by the plant.
Their little caps prevent escape and keep them from getting choked by too many insects. There are still some bees but I can sit outside without feeling as if I'm in imminent danger of getting stung. In this situation, nature's remedy is a carnivorous plant.

Saturday, June 18, 2016


Have you ever looked around and just decided that you have to do something about this? I'm sure you have. My ceiling needed work!


Step one: paint the rails. Tools: ladder, paint, painters tape, heavy foam paint wedge, an old plastic coffee cup (to put paint in).
Step two: paint again because one coat of paint on dirty old metal does not look good. Lesson learned, new tool applied...perseverance.

Step three: purchase new tiles. I bought 4 packs of ten tiles. Don't laugh, it took 32 tiles to complete when you include all the partials, even when you're careful to use the leftovers for the smaller ones.

Step four: begin removing tiles, one or two at a time and replace them with new ones. Tools used: ladder, old sheets to protect furniture from falling debris, broom and dustpan. And when you discover that the rails are hung by wires which makes maneuvering the tiles nearly impossible....perseverance.
Step five: move or remove lighting fixtures. Have someone available who understands electricity and wiring. Tools used: wood, electrical tape, new wires, wire caps, screwdriver, drill, ladder, electrical box with cover. When you find out that removing a light fixture requires pulling new wiring to the outlet upstairs...perseverance.

Step six: remove and replace partial tiles a few at a time. Remember that this is a very old house. It has settled, so tiles that are next to each other are not necessarily the same size and shape.
Tools used: ladder, measuring tape, utility knife and of course a camera to capture what was hidden behind the paneling and above the tiles along the wall...the original wallpaper! And when you find that you need to trim a cut by just a hair to fit....perseverance.

Step seven: step back and appreciate what you've accomplished (thanks is no small part to your electrician and skillful helper). Now you know that perseverance pays off!
I still have eight tiles left (my old man that owns this house) reminds me....the bathroom only needs six!! Persevere, persevere!
Anyhow, that is why I haven't posted in awhile. We'll see what I get into next!

Thursday, June 2, 2016


We all hope for that opportunity, that moment of fulfillment. But are we ready for it? Have we prepared?

There he is! Turn on camera, click. Where'd he go?


Sometimes it seems that opportunity just passes us by.

Camera on. Zoom, check. Focus check. Distraction. Click. Fail.

But there are those times when we have our eye on the prize, we've prepared and opportunity comes knocking. But is it the right opportunity? Is it the one we've waited for?

With patience, focus, and preparation we can achieve our dreams. We'll have many failures along the way but it is the failures that teach us how to succeed.

I'll always have more failures than successes but I have learned from my experiences and will not let them discourage me from continuing to pursue my dreams.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


This is my favorite way to explore my home state. It is impossible to pass on to a reader the experience of riding using pictures but I'll try if you'll indulge me.
As we cruise along the open road, the sun warms my skin even while the moving air cools me. I smell the smoke of many barbeques preparing for family picnics. It is Memorial Day weekend and there are many of these. During the various seasons, I enjoy the aroma of flowers, freshly mown lawns, and even the occasional odor of fields being fertilized.

 Along the streams and in the woods, the temperature cools dramatically. The scent becomes one of pine needles and moss. I have seen deer peering out at us as we pass.

There are wonderful opportunities to stop, rest, reflect, and enjoy all that nature has to offer.

Such majestic views! These scenes from Hyner View really depict the majesty of Pennsylvania.
Protecting these natural resources is a big job.
Then it's back down to the valley again.
Parking is much easier to find on the bike when we go to our local small town parade.
                          In honor of those that protect us.
                            I hope you enjoyed your little ride along!