Friday, August 12, 2016


Every day my television tells me of new dangers that await me. Crime, violence, joblessness, health scares.
Danger is hiding behind every corner. Wear sunscreen, wear bug spray. Even the foods I eat are harming me in some way.
There are days that I want to lock the doors and hide in seclusion in my living room with no one but the TV for company. But then, it is the TV that is supplying me with fodder for my anxiety.
The earth that gives me life is outside. It is vast and it is glorious.

It is true that there is are harmful or dangerous things out there, even in my own yard. Nasty, unpleasant things. I don't like bees, spiders, snakes, skunks, etc. There are things that I am allergic to.

I know how to avoid these little dangers. I can wander the property with confidence and get tremendous pleasure from all that surrounds me. I love the forsythia in spring. The baby bunnies in summer. The falling leaves in autumn. The glistening snow in winter. Nature is everywhere and soothes my soul.

Sitting on the porch swing in the wee hours of morning, I had just watched the combined show of lightning and meteors, when a gentle rain began. As night gave way to dawn, the sounds of evening, crickets and owls gave way to the song of birds, the sheep down the way bleating. I sat and enjoyed the lazy mist while the TV told of the bad things that happened in the world inside my living room. I smiled and realized that my world was here, just off the porch.

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