Wednesday, August 31, 2016


One good thing about having Wednesday off is that I can stay up later on Tuesday night and watch America's Got Talent. At least once each time I watch an act will give me goosebumps. Some people amaze me!
Last night I was enjoying the show tremendously when I saw a shadow flit by in my peripheral vision. A moth, I thought. One more act and it's bedtime. Then, I saw it again. That's an awfully big moth!
Then I got a better look. A, too silent...BAT!

It decided to take up residence in the corner of the room. I decided that I was heading to bed, immediately. Blankets pulled up over my head, overly warm but a distance from my visitor, 'It'll be gone in the morning' I thought. It was.
I hope he doesn't return tonight. Ugh!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016


I would like to introduce you to the newest members of our household.....

I was walking through the weekly farmer's market (loving all that fresh produce) just minding my own business when I saw them...pitcher plants!
Next to the pitcher plants were venus flytraps, and various cacti, bonsai trees, and those two bizarre plants.
Air plants. Don't like soil, don't like water other than a half hour soaking once a week. Set them upside down to dry thoroughly. They also don't like direct sunlight.
The gremlins of the plant world.

 Or maybe they're some sort of alien lifeform....hmmm....but set them anywhere dry and they're happy! I adopted them and have been happily 'not' caring for them faithfully.
I think I should name them, any suggestions?

Friday, August 19, 2016


I've always called Mitzi my big dumb dog. She obviously doesn't think before she acts. This is the dog that ran out of the kitchen with the back of a chair wrapped around her head. But she has a heart of gold. She was very protective of her friends.

Lady helped raise her. Mitzi would raise the alarm whenever Lady had one of her seizures. I've witnessed her place her body between Lady and the heater until I could get to her. When Lady developed Cushings poor Mitzi took the blame for the overturned trashcans until I finally found out what was really happening. After Lady passed, Mitzi and Jack stepped up to help heal my heart.

Jack was the senior dog of the house. He also had seizures on occasion. He and Mitzi were an odd couple. He'd get the hots for her but she was too big for him to have any success. She'd just sit down and give him 'the look' until he'd finally give up. Whenever they were outside they were always together, each taking a turn at the lead as to where to go next. Again, Mitzi would sound the warning when Jack was in distress. I've seen her lay across the steps to keep him from falling down them. When he passed, she had to learn how to be an only dog.

Together, we've gone camping.
We've gone down to play in the creek. We've explored bunny nests, chased birds around the house when they find their way in. We've watched the baby squirrels chase each other in the tree.
All of the time that I had spent caring for and making memories with my elder dogs, she was doing the same. Now that she has adjusted to the loss of her friends and I have done the same, her childish nature has returned. She grabs her squeak toys and dances around enticing me to play. We both tire quickly but we both enjoy the diversion. She takes off after rabbits but gives up the chase a few yards in. Still, she turns back to look at me as if to say, "Did you see me?" I am happy to be getting to know this wonderful animal all over again.

Monday, August 15, 2016


You read that right, 133.3. Of course, that's in direct sunlight.

In the shade, it's a much cooler 100! The air conditioner
finally got put in!

By the way, it's August 13th, not Christmas. The tree isn't lit!

Friday, August 12, 2016


While extolling the virtues of getting outside and absorbing all that nature has to offer, especially the peace and serenity I feel, I began to think about how wonderful it is to live in the country. I can step outside my door and there it is in all of its glory. There is no noise pollution, no air pollution, no light pollution. My well water is crystal clear.
Then I thought...but what if?...

What if I lived here? I'd step outside and smell what? See what?

What if this was my yard? Could I find peace and serenity here?

What if this was my green space? What are my night sounds? Gunshots and sirens? Would I not be constantly on edge? Always feeling threatened? Would I have witnessed things more appropriate to a war zone? What if this was the only life I had ever known? What if I had never experienced a truly peaceful day?

What if all of my friends and family were also products of this environment? We speak of mental health issues being a major factor in gun violence and mass killings. We have huge segments of society living in conditions that would cause anyone to suffer from PTSD. A life always on edge, guarded, traumatic. I know I would not be able to survive such a life.
I understand that cities grow around the sources of jobs and transportation but many of our cities have lost their manufacturing base and access to railways and rivers doesn't have the importance it once had. While there are still cultural centers and a multitude of diverse dining experiences, I find that I can get those things in other ways. How can we show young people that there are other ways to live and to feel? One program that attempts to answer that question is the Fresh Air program. I'm sure there are several others. We need these programs now more than ever. Let those of us who can, share the simple joy of living simply.


Every day my television tells me of new dangers that await me. Crime, violence, joblessness, health scares.
Danger is hiding behind every corner. Wear sunscreen, wear bug spray. Even the foods I eat are harming me in some way.
There are days that I want to lock the doors and hide in seclusion in my living room with no one but the TV for company. But then, it is the TV that is supplying me with fodder for my anxiety.
The earth that gives me life is outside. It is vast and it is glorious.

It is true that there is are harmful or dangerous things out there, even in my own yard. Nasty, unpleasant things. I don't like bees, spiders, snakes, skunks, etc. There are things that I am allergic to.

I know how to avoid these little dangers. I can wander the property with confidence and get tremendous pleasure from all that surrounds me. I love the forsythia in spring. The baby bunnies in summer. The falling leaves in autumn. The glistening snow in winter. Nature is everywhere and soothes my soul.

Sitting on the porch swing in the wee hours of morning, I had just watched the combined show of lightning and meteors, when a gentle rain began. As night gave way to dawn, the sounds of evening, crickets and owls gave way to the song of birds, the sheep down the way bleating. I sat and enjoyed the lazy mist while the TV told of the bad things that happened in the world inside my living room. I smiled and realized that my world was here, just off the porch.

Friday, August 5, 2016


The 'new' horsepower!
Trike style? Exactly opposite of anything I've seen.

Now that's different!


Although it is our nature to view the world differently, we are still seeing the same world. Once we agree to disagree, with respect, we can get along just fine.