Friday, July 29, 2016


During my college days I was assigned to write an essay defining 'the good'. This was one of the most difficult and life defining tasks I'd ever been given. What I gained was a core belief that I hold to this day. Allow me to explain my conclusion.

When I leave home I have options. I can turn left or right. I can travel north, east, south or west. I can go up or down. What I can't do is arrive by this alone. I will never reach 'west' or down'. All of my choices are directions, not destinations. If I choose west, eventually I could arrive in California, a destination.

I have decided that good and bad are choices. They are directions but not destinations. Following 'the good' path leads towards perfection, which is a destination. I accept that this old jalopy of a human body is not likely capable of going that far, it is still the choice that I prefer to take. 'The Good', therefore I conclude is merely that which leads towards perfection in any aspect of life. 
 Which way are you headed?

Monday, July 25, 2016


 Sometimes I enjoy standing in awe of nature.
Such incredible beauty and power!

Saturday, July 23, 2016


Sometimes ordinary things are a little different simply because of where they are.
Nearly everyone is familiar with an air pump, we use them to put air in our tires. When you see a row of them near the shore, they not only inflate tires ... they deflate them too. That way a vehicle can be driven on the sand. Otherwise, you would get stuck!

Another thing I found to be just a bit different was the vending machines. I am accustomed to seeing them outside of stores and thought very little about it until I went up to one and found this...!

I guess, when I feel ordinary, I should remember that it is only because of where I am. Drop me into another environment and I will probably seem unusual to others. It's simply a matter of perspective.

Monday, July 18, 2016


If you know the meaning behind this picture, I'm glad you are here. If you feel as if you should, I will be happy to let you know where you can get more information. For everyone else, just let the beauty wash over you and may peace fill your soul.

Sunday, July 17, 2016


I recently heard a report on how the effect of all the negativity on the internet has contributed to recent world events. I tend to agree. I see so many posts that are anti-Trump, anti-Hillary, anti-cops, anti-Muslim. Add to this the focus of all media on the horrors around us. So I have issued this challenge to myself and to anyone who hopes to be a light among this darkness.....

For the next six weeks (the time it takes to develop a new habit), I will only post positive messages and read positive posts. I will skim past all those negatives. I want to increase the positive energy going out to the world and do my part to be uplifting, loving, and kind. I want to highlight the beauty and joy that still surrounds us all and show gratitude for the wonder that continues to be our earthly existence.

I hope that there others out there who will also take up this challenge. Perhaps, together, we can help others to change their view of the world for the better.

Sunday, July 10, 2016


There are some days that just seem to be a gift from God. Every day is a gift but some are extraordinarily special.
In the midst of a heat wave when the air is so thick it's hard to breathe, we decided to take a ferry ride. The air is so much cooler over the open waters and the breeze is so refreshing. As we were arriving, there was a line of cars pulling out, a sure sign that the ferry was unloading. Either we would just catch it or be left with considerable time to kill.
First of memorable moments of good fortune, we bought our tickets and were able to board the ferry immediately!
As we pulling away from port, I mentioned that I was hoping for the opportunity to see a dolphin. I had made this trip a few times and had never seen anything but water...lots of water.
Then it happened, they announced a dolphin sighting on the right side of the ship. I ran over and saw my first dolphin! Then, they announced that there was a large pod of dolphin in front of the ship. Sure enough, everywhere we looked there were three to seven dolphins traveling together. Beside the boat, in front of the boat, off in the distance. We saw them all the way across to Cape May. There had been at least fifty dolphins that I saw. That was the second piece of incredible good fortune. I tried very hard to get pictures but unlike what you see on TV, dolphins break water to breathe, they weren't jumping out of the water. I finally gave up and simply marveled at what I was experiencing.
It was only through blessed luck that I have this picture, which I didn't discover until uploading my vacation photos when I arrived home.
When we got back to Lewes, we decided to sit and relax while traffic cleared. We had been standing on the ship for three hours and watching them load the cars is amazing to me.

The ferry can carry one hundred cars! There was even a loaded car carrier waiting to board.
Upon reaching our vehicle we discovered that we had lost a wallet! Could our luck hold out one more time? Sure enough, it hadn't been lost onboard but where we had sat watching the loading and it was still there!
It was certainly a blessedly lucky day!

Saturday, July 9, 2016

I or II ?

What the........


                                            Nifty...Thrifty...Ecologically Friendly

I have GOT to get me one of these!


The first town in the first state, Lewes, Delaware offers many tourist type things to do but to really appreciate the place, I like to see it for what it really is, an agricultural economy near the ocean.

There is your typical wildlife.....and your not so typical wildlife.
One of the best parts of any vacation is not having to cook. A couple of nights of fresh salads made with goodies from the produce stands is always a favorite. There are also annual treats. I've learned to avoid the national chains (poor service, mundane meals) and the specialty restaurants (overpriced) and stick to the places that I know will always have good food, good service, and reasonable prices. Two of these that we go to every year are the Longneck Diner and Casapulla's Subs. Both are located on the backside of strip malls and not particularly eye-catching but they are so good that they can rely on word of mouth advertising. One highly recommended chain is Royal Farms convenience store for their fresh chicken!
I come home well-rested and well-fed!