Tuesday, May 17, 2016


                                                                         It's almost that time of year again. Time to escape from the television, the computer, the phone....in short, it's almost time to disconnect.
My neighbor calls them analog days.
 Waking up to this view in the morning and just kicking back with a cup of coffee and my dog by my side is just the beginning of unwinding and reconnecting with myself and with nature.
 Talk about pet-friendly! Lots of playmates, room to run safely without a leash, even the dog gets to reconnect to her nature and enjoy a break from the routine.
 We are not alone here but there is enough space to allow plenty of privacy and solitude when that is what you seek.
There are places to gather too. Places to reconnect with old friends.
 The stage behind this old barn will soon become the gathering site for those whose passion is music.
 The casual setting and atmosphere provides an opportunity to reconnect with their true musical roots and leave behind the tight sets of being a 'band for hire'.
 The old farmhouse offers even more space for getting together.
There's even another gathering space for the fur friends.
Disconnect/Reconnect...the spirit needs a recharge and this is one place that truly offers that for me.
Jazzberry Farm is on the 'net and perhaps I'll see you there.

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