Monday, October 9, 2017


I had been posting about our home improvement project, renovating the bathroom. For two old folk, this was a major undertaking. Although we still haven't completed the details (a new mirror, a radiator, a door) I have to look back and realize just how much we have accomplished.

We managed to turn this into...

We have recently undertaken another major task. Our one year old dog who has had four families before becoming part of ours has proven to be quite a task as well.
JoJo arrived a fearful dog. He barked at every new sound. He had trouble focusing. He was full of nervous energy.
It has been a slow process of introducing him to many new experiences (like water and swimming), sounds (children, traffic, chickens), and feelings (like being cradled, scolded, praised) to help him overcome most of his fears.
The more things that he succeeds at the more confidant he is in facing new things. His focus is getting better as we worked on 'sit' and have now added 'shake hands'.
He no longer fears that we'll take his toys (although I trade them out occasionally to keep them fresh and not boring) or that his food will disappear. He grazes now instead of gobbling it and trying to hide the bowl.

From this to
I remind myself to enjoy where we are, even though there will always be more work to be done.

Celebrate the Progress!

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