Sunday, September 3, 2017


Adjusting to a new family member involves getting to know one another. We all have our strengths and weaknesses as well as unique personality traits.
JoJo is learning his territory and has found the perfect place to keep an eye on it even when he is inside.
Upon hearing a thumping sound upstairs, I figured that I had better check to see what he had gotten into. I came around the corner to see a ball bouncing down the steps and a dog hot on its trail. He really does know how to entertain himself!
It does seem as if I spend quite a bit of time 'checking on the dog'. A couple of times he disappeared but I found him. He was keeping himself busy hiding.
He really has a sense of humor about expressing himself. As I was slicing into a fresh apple pie, I heard a sound behind me. JoJo had brought me his empty food dish and dropped it at my feet. Apparently he felt I should serve him some too!
I've had to make some adjustments around here. I've discovered that laundry needs to go in the washer instead of in a basket!
(Un)fortunately, he's only one, seven in human years, so he has a great deal of growing up to do. I see so much potential in him. Patience is key. By this time next year, it will be fun to reread this to see how much he has matured. Until then, hang on! I'm sure I'll have more escapades to tell you about.

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