Saturday, September 24, 2016


The eyes are the windows to the soul.
You can tell a poisonous snake from a nonvenomous one by the eyes.

Of course, if I see a snake I'm not going to stick around to try to see its eyes.
Dogs speak with their eyes too.

I admit that Huskies tend to intimidate me because I have a hard time reading their eyes. I don't have that problem with most breeds.
Parents can interpret their child's mood by looking into their eyes as well.

Making eye contact is a basic human need. It allows us to experience one another on a spiritual level. In the modern world, we seem to have lost this skill. I work as a clerk and many customers never see me, they are focused on their texting. After a long day, I'm not sure I see them either, focusing on product, bag and money.
Sometimes we choose to look away. When there is a homeless person sitting beside a building, do we make eye contact or do we avert our eyes? Children are much more inclined to simply see people as people. They will make eye contact when their parents won't.
When someone looks at you, it validates your existence. We all need that validation.
Avoiding one another is at best uncomfortable. Sometimes, it feels threatening.
I believe that many of the problems we face today could be eased, if not erased, by no longer hiding ourselves from one another.

When we see the souls behind the eyes, we see each other as human beings with lives that matter.
There is a word, a wonderful word. Namaste. It means that the God in me celebrates the God in you.
After all, isn't that the purpose of our time on this plane? Isn't that why we are here? How can we expect to fulfill our purpose if we refuse to connect with others? As you go through your day, take the time to be aware of others. Do they see you? Do you see them? Observe interactions between others. Who seems happier? Who seems lonely? Find opportunities to experience Namaste!

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