Friday, March 27, 2020


I am not concerned by the huge increase in jobless claims. Here's why. I, like so many others am staying home. Yes, I could almost certainly find temporary employment with my background in retail. It comes down to priorities. My first priority to America is to do my part to protect our medical system. 
If I should find myself positive for the virus at any point, I want it to be there to help me become one of the many, many survivors. At that point, I hope that science will show that survivors now have antidodies. Then, I will happily rejoin the workforce with fervor. Two jobs, three jobs, whatever. I'll be off the jobless list and spending money to support my local businesses.
The President is right in saying that Americans want to work but not by putting my fellow citizens at risk. The economy will recover. I believe that with all my heart but only if we see this through. Too soon and we'll risk putting ourselves in a situation from which we cannot recover.

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