Thursday, November 7, 2019


So it's NO-vember.

I can't think of a better time to turn over a new leaf.

I know that most people think of January 1st as the time for New Years resolutions. That's traditional. I've never been one to hold traditions as sacred. Besides, 'new' to me is a time for adding something such as exercise or more veggies to my diet.

It struck me as no coincidence that NO-vember arrived just as I made some decisions that are bound to change my life. 

In October I left a high(ish) paying but aggravating and stressful job, taking a leap of faith that something else was in my future. I suddenly found myself with lots of time on my hands. 

I have rediscovered my energy. Work has resumed on this old house! However, I still needed an income. I took a low pay part time job. I still have to pay my way in this world and there are so many things I'd like to invest in for my home.

I certainly can't afford to live the way I have been. Enter NO-vember. A good friend's voice rang in my ears, "Learn to say no to yourself". These words from nearly thirty years ago ring true to me now.

My biggest expenses consist of cigarettes and lottery. Time to change.
Not purchasing lottery tickets has been quite easy. I still pick one up now and again but it is no longer a budget buster.

The much harder challenge has been my addiction to nicotine. After 46 years of pumping this into my body, saying 'no' has been an impossible task each time I have tried. I can't accept that it is mere coincidence that I came across a very interesting post exactly when I needed it most.

The claim was that one teaspoon of cream of tartar dissolved in a cup of orange juice and drank before bed each night will absorb and remove nicotine from your system.
I researched this on multiple health websites (such as WebMD) and they all concur.
Eureka! Was this the magic potion for me? Yes and No. The craving for nicotine has been radically reduced but the need to smoke (the holding and drawing on a cigarette remains). I'm a work in progress and still learning how to say no to myself.
NO-vember is my month! Perhaps it can be your month too. What negative would you like to say NO to. 
I'm looking forward to a very Happy Thanksgiving. Perhaps for the New Year I can add a positive as a reward. Bookcases would make me incredibly happy.

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