Thursday, March 16, 2017


I had intended to post my grandkids video here but since it refused to upload I will make do with pictures.
I wanted to give her something unique and personal.

I wrote a book. A little story featuring her favorite thing, sloths.

There was an actual plot. And she was the heroine!

When she posted a video of her reading it as if to a kindergarten class, I knew that she liked it. She told me today that her friends think I ought to write children's stories!
Score one for Grandma!



You know you have the most wonderful neighbors when this is what you come home to....

These personal cards gave me such cheer and comfort.

I'm truly blessed to have friends and neighbors such as these!

Tuesday, March 14, 2017


Apparently God has decided that I needed to have a day off today. To be certain, my vehicle has been pretty much immobilized.

Even if I were to break it loose, where would I go? The road out front has nearly disappeared, although obviously someone with decent clearance managed to find it.

What to do with this extra day? Should I clean? Rest? Go out and play? Probably all of the above. I intend to appreciate the gift and I hope that you will too.

Saturday, March 11, 2017


It is a common analogy to liken the stages of life to the seasons. It does seem appropriate. As I approach the winter of life, I see the desolate barrenness of the landscape.

I have found myself going to funerals rather than weddings, memorials rather than baby showers. I have been witness to the passing seasons of family and friends. I actually read obituaries these days.
One dear friend is approaching the end of her life and will be soon joining others on the other side.
I feel confidant that her companions will greet her with joy and together without the burdens of failing health they will engage in raucous, joyous play.

Although there is sorrow in the letting go, there is also joy. I celebrate the time I had with those I love and feel confidant that we will meet again.

With the winter there are also moments of stunning clarity and beauty. The acceptance of the world as it is and the beauty of all that surrounds us is a gift best appreciated as we age. The days we have on the earth are somehow more precious.

It is a reminder to use that time more wisely, to be more generous and loving to those that are a part of our lives, to take in the grandeur and to let go of the shadows and darkness, to make our time and our lives matter.

Saturday, March 4, 2017


During the bleakest times of my life, I believed that God was causing my troubles, punishing me. It was a very dark and lonely period.
As I learned to take responsibility for myself, my decisions, my reactions, my consequences, I grew to believe that God was placing hurdles in my way to provide opportunities for growth. That period of time was better but still extremely difficult.
Now, as I look at the trials that we, as humans face, I no longer view God as the perpetrator. Most of our difficulties are caused by humankind. Financial, relationship struggles are usually self-inflicted. The more extreme issues of rape or murder are caused by other human beings.
There are, of course, the so-called 'acts of God' such as earthquakes or floods. Whether these are caused by human interactions with the planet is under debate but blaming God for these things seems to me to be judgmental of the creator. The laws of nature have provided us with a planet that supports life. Earth responds to stressors to remain in balance and continues her travels around the sun.
What God does seem to do is to provide ways to turn our difficulties into something positive in our lives. We can overcome our self-destructive behaviors and grow as human beings.
We can learn to forgive, to let go, to discover more effective ways of dealing with others whom we deem 'evil'.
When faced with extreme situations such as Hurricane Katrina, we can stop shaking our fist at God and come together to be helpful and grateful for one another.
I no longer believe that God creates the trials in our lives but most certainly provides the means to get through them in a positive way.