Sunday, January 22, 2017


I am one of those people who makes lists. You know the type, the one who has a list for everything but most importantly so they have something to cross off as if it's a badge of accomplishment.
Lists of things I want to do. Lists of things I need, to do the things I want to do. Yada,yada,yada. Of all of the lists that I make there is one that gives me the most pleasure, satisfaction and spiritual uplift. My gratitude list.
It is a list of ten things that I am grateful for. The first few are easy. I'm continually grateful for my health (which is pretty good for my age) and for friends and family both near and far. I am grateful for where I live, safe and secure in the country.
At this point I have to stop and think. That's actually the best part because this is where my gratitude runs deepest and less obvious.
I am grateful for my car. It's been reliable and allows me to get to and from work. Also, I was able to pay for it when I bought it. Boy, times have really changed for me. Another thing to be grateful for.
Only half way there. What else am I grateful for?
I'm grateful that I have an abundance of choices. Choices in what foods I can eat, choices about who I associate with, choices about where to live, where to work. So many people do not have all of the options that are available to me.
I'm grateful that I am aware of all that I have. I once had a moment of epiphany while driving to get dog food. I was upset at my lack of funds and the need to drive a few miles to the store. It suddenly occurred to me that there are people who have to walk that far just to get water, and not very pure water at that. Perspective increases my gratitude.
I am grateful for the desire to increase my spiritual nature. This has led me to face my own shortcomings. To grow. To become more tolerant. To find contentment and peace with where and who I am.
My gratitude extends to the challenges I have faced and those that are yet to come. I remember a friend who I would go to in times of 'crisis'. Always, she would say, "God really loves you. You've been given another growth opportunity." I found it aggravating at the time but I realize now the truth of that.
One more now. I am grateful for people that I can look up to. People who live by their principles and beliefs. I see that they, like myself, sometimes struggle but diligently carry on. Their example helps me to continue to strive to be better, do better.
Finally, my list is done, for now. I find that I make this list anew several times a year. It is something I recommend to everyone.
When is the last time you've made a list? Try it soon. I promise that you won't regret it.

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